
Posts uit maart, 2013 tonen


Coming soon...

Typograhical Blueprint // My room

Three approaches on a typographical blueprint of room.

Unsettling Motion

Continuing from the previous photography experiment with motion suggestion I shot these. The idea was to create an uneasy, unsettling scene which would make the viewer want to move (away). I found the last photo especially appealing, my next series will be a continuation on this picture.

Red Matter Robot

Red matter robot, the epitome of human science, a creation that transcends all creation. Immortal and flawless. And also the last living thing on this world. In our motion graphics lessons we're gonna animate a walkcycle for a robot using after effects. I threw in some extra effort and made a quick backstory and surrounding for my robot.

Digital vs Analog // Protest posters

A little experiment, we're handmaking some posters at school, using silkscreen, stamps, linoleum print etc. I decided to make the same posters both digital as analog. It's mainly for myself to see both of their individual charms. The posters are about the unrest and frustration of the students towards the organisation my school belongs to and the bad publicity it's been getting lately (Which is absolute nonsense). The handmade posters will be up here in two to three weeks

Anomalies // Word & Image

Just a quick exercise, combining a word with an image, to give a new or another meaning to it. And for those who didn't believe anomalies is a word... IT IS! 

The Creation of an Animation

Alright, where to start... since my last (first) animated film (which didn't exist) , this is probably my biggest animation project ever. Heck, it might even be my all time biggest project. I'm also having more fun with this than any project ever.  It all started with a day of drawing stuff about what I want and what I don't want, after relentlessly going through al my drawings and ideas I ended up with one thing I want most. Taking that thing I had a little presentation in front of my class, in which I had to depict what I want without literally telling them. I was ill prepared and had to make do with what I had, two sheets of cardboard with the silhouet of my head. Surprisingly enough, people actually guessed what I wanted to do, which was making an animation film. An existing one this time. We were asked to make a documentary about it, it didn't have to be filmed though, so a book or in my case a s...

Typographical Research Poster // Rockwell

Following a small research on the typeface Rockwell from Monotype, I made this A2 format poster. It explains some of the typeface's properties, as well as provide some basic info on where it came from. These are the sketches and some of my notes I made, before designing the poster.

Isaac's Shadows

I introduce you to Isaac Richardson a 6 year old boy, who's about to face his greatest fears.  All inside a twisted, wicked dream realm which he's trapped in as result of being in a coma after  a car incident. These are first two scenes, the acces to the school area and the hospital area, they're work in progress still, but I felt like sharing. Isaac's Shadows (placeholder name) is a project I'll be working for some weeks.  It's a suspense/puzzle game I'll be making in flash or java. So far I've got the story worked out,  which I'll upload soon, and a general idea on what the world will look like. More to follow...

Still life in motion

While the given assignment was about capturing motion in a picture, I went still life combined with portrait. I did want some suggestion of motions, but mostly through atmosphere. I used some simple techniques using the flash and moving the camera, and I used some panning in a few, but mostly this is just a little experiment.