Designers of the Old Days // Lodewijk Schelfhout

After some research on dutch designers working 'round the 30's I made these posters, they're based on Lodewijk Schelfhout a dutch graphic artist and painter who was the first dutch artist to be involved with cubism.

Instead of just taking a photo of him (what my teacher wanted) I put some extra effort in this and tried my hand at cell shading. So what I did: I took a small 100x70 image and blew it up to a2 format, traced the outlines and start messing with the brush, mixer brush, smudge tool and the burn and dodge tools. It took up quiet a bit of time, more than I expected, but whatever, who needs sleep anyway?


  1. dit is mijn grootvader. Voorjaar 2018 komt er een biografie en een tentoonstelling in Singer Laren.
    Als je het leuk vindt stuur ik een link naar de 1200 familiefoto's die ik op internet gezet heb.
    Begint zo'n beetje in 1880 met het accent op de jaren 1900 - 1943


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