Krysis // Inspiration, Desperation and Acceptance

Some more photography, yay! This assignment was a disaster though, it started out as a 3 man project, we were gonna make a stop motion video about 3 completely different guys getting pestered by the wind blowing in their apartments. Well one guy quit school, so we had trouble meeting the deadline.
Fortunately our teacher was kind enough to extend our deadline till the end of the autumn break.
We thought up a new concept, about how everything went wrong with our original plan, I was really motivated and really wanted to put some time in making a short movie about it (with my very limited editing skills). And then the other guy didn't have time to make it during autumn break. Ehm, shit what now?
Well this, I might not be good at making video's but photography is something I can do, so not drift to far from the concept about making something about how horrible it all was, I made this series. It's not exactly how I thought things would go, but given the amount of time and work I had, I can say I'm reasonably happy with this. I should really stop typing now, bye!
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